Wednesday 11 April 2012


Hiya I am Ems and I am 12 years old and I have decided to write a blog on what it is like being a teenager! Well, nearly! Hopefully this will give you a realistic insight into what life as a 12 year old is like or maybe help you with issues if you are around my age. I also hope to make it funny so it is not boring. Since this is my first post I thought I might tell you a bit about myself.

I live in Newcastle and support Newcastle United FC. I live with my mam, dad and little brother in a 4 bedroomed house in a seaside town. I am in year 7 and I am in the form 7A. I have loads of friends who you will probably hear about in my blogs. My hobbies include trampolining, going to guides, swimming, training to be a lifeguard, dancing and many others. When I am older I would really like to be an author, and I have always been good at English. But, that isn't very realistic, so other than that I would love to be a primary school teacher or a photographer. But that is a long way away so in the meantime I am enjoying my childhood.

My close family consists of my mam dad and little brother. I have a grandma and grandad on both sides, and aunties and uncles. My dad has a brother and a sister and my mam has a sister. I have 4 cousins on my dads side, three boys and a girl, and two girl cousins on my mams side, but my auntie is also pregnant. My dads brother is due to get married on the 12th of May. I have a great grandma on my mams side but apart from that, no other great grandparents.

I think that's all you need to know about me but here's a taster of what my blogs will be like;

I am really excited for today! My mam has taken Tom to football camp and is away doing the shopping and my dad is in bed, because he has been on nightshift. I have been left to complete homework but I am nearly finished. At 12:30, one of my best friends Natalie is being dropped off at mine, then we are going to have lunch and walk into Whitley Bay. We are going to have a look round the shops that are there and then go down to the sea front, where there is an easter fun fair! We are gonna go on the rides and buy candyfloss and stuff! I am so excited!

Yesterday, me and mam went into town for outfits for the wedding. First we went to Primark, where I bought palazzo pants with daisys on and a bright yellow top, which I am going to where when we go for a meal the night before the wedding. I also bought a top with Minnie Mouse laughing on and it says ROFL at the top - it's lush I am wearing it now! I also bought my dress for the wedding which is blue with flowers on from..........................................HOLLISTER!!!!!!!! I absolutely LOVE it! I will post a pic ;) I also bought Anna's bday pressie but I can't say on here in case she reads it...


1 comment:

  1. oops forgot to add the photo of the dress i will do it in a seperate post!xxx
